Blue Way Hackathon Wraps Up!

25. 5. 2024

The sea of the future is sustainable, green, and respectful of biodiversit.

The Blue Way Hackathon concluded on Friday evening in Ancona, during the Tipicità in Blu Festival, as part of the #BlueEconomy days.

  • 43 young students had 14 hours of preparatory study with the Starter Kit and 36 hours in person to propose innovative solutions to marine problems. The challenge given to the participants: develop a service or product in the Blue Economy sector using digital technologies according to the principles of ecological and social sustainability.
  • 20 mentors available, including professors, company directors, R&D managers, researchers, visual designers, and marketing and business strategy experts.
  • Only two minutes to convince the jury that their idea is feasible and innovative!

Three winners:

  • Finding Algae: biodiversity protection by preserving native species using AI.
  • EnerSea: Production and distribution of green energy for boats.
  • TinyClean: Microplastic filtering system in domestic wastewater.

The startups of the Trieste students will be involved in the second cycle of CC1 of the INEST project.

The Blue Way Hackathon and all the other hackathons realized in the framework of the project REGINNA 4.0 confirm the attention given by the consortium to the support and development of technology-driven startups.

The Blue Way Hackathon was co-financed by the European project Reginna 4.0 and the PNRR Inest-Interconnected Nordest Ecosystem. Congratulations to all participants!

For more insights into the event, check out the videos below, which include short clips explaining the hackathon's goals and video pitches from the participants presenting their innovative ideas:

And here is the full playlist: