Summer Hacktown 2023: A Successful Conclusion to One of Reginna 4.0 Second Summer School Events

5. 9. 2023

Summer Hacktown 2023, an exciting event of the Reginna 4.0 Second Summer School, has recently concluded with great success. The event saw the participation of 43 talented individuals coming from Ukraine and Italy, all students from well-known institutions such as Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), ISIA Roma (Pordenone, Italy), ITS alto Adriatico (Italy), University Ca' Foscari (Venezia, Italy), University of Bologna (Italy), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), University of Udine (Italy), and University of Trieste (Italy). The participants brought diverse academic backgrounds, including ICT, design, urban planning, law, modern languages, physics, mathematics, and digital technologies.

Throughout the event, organized with the collaboration of Consorzio Universitario and Municiplaity of Pordenone, the participants engaged in a tightly packed schedule filled with in-depth workshops and short lectures, all centered around four main areas:

  • Technological Renewable Systems and Sustainability - presented by Renato Villalta from the Municipality of Pordenone);
  • Digital Socialization and Society Design (Society 5.0) - presented by Edy Fantin from ISIA;
  • Tourism 4.0 – presented by Alessandra Gruppi from Strategia & Controllo Srl;
  • Artificial Intelligence – presented by Giuseppe Serra from the University of Udine.

Participants also received valuable guidance on how to present their innovative ideas:

  1. Workshop on Idea & Business Modelling, Fabrizio Rondo, PoloAA and ISIA
  2. Workshop on Pitch skills, Alessandra Gruppi, Strategia & Controllo

The participants were guided and mentored by a diverse and highly competent group of mentors throughout the event.

They worked all day and all night long (!!!) on their project proposals and The culmination of Summer Hacktown 2023 featured a thrilling competition where 10 projects were presented, all aiming to answer the challenge: "Fill the future Energy Park of the ex-Tomadini area with ideas!" The projects were evaluated by a distinguished jury comprised of experts from both the public and private sectors.

Ultimately, three projects emerged victorious, showcasing the outstanding creativity and innovation of the participants. Summer Hacktown 2023 not only provided a platform for learning and collaboration but also celebrated the bright minds that will shape the future.

This event serves as a testament to the power of international collaboration and innovation in driving progress across various fields. Summer Hacktown 2023 has left an indelible mark on the participants and promises to inspire future generations of innovators.

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