ChatGPT: how to use the tool and its potential

    30.6.2023 / Pordenone


    • 14:00 - 14:30: Introduction to ChatGPT

    The module aims to provide information on the functioning and capabilities of GPT in the context of chatbots, including the basic principles of machine
    learning and natural language, all through the demonstration of some concrete cases indicated directly by Open AI.
    Speaker: Giuseppe Serra (Uniud)

    • 2:30pm - 3:30pm: GPT Chat - Business Use Cases

    Two companies will share how they have successfully implemented chatbot solutions based on Chat GPT. The results obtained, the challenges faced
    and the lessons learned along the way will be shared.
    Speakers: Marco Giacomini (Real Comm), Massimo Santin/Renzo Ciot (Tempestive)

    • 15:30 - 18:00: Workshop on ChatGPT

    Through practical exercises, participants will be able to develop their skills in using Chat GPT, with the aim of discovering the potential of the tool and
    its limits.
    Speakers: Massimo Santin (Tempestive), Giuseppe Serra (Uniud)

    For registration, please write to

    More info!


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